A new herringbone for winter

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The big herringbone for extreme cold

The herringbone vest is one of our first creations, it is with this model that our brand was born and it is what made its success. Today, it is one of our essentials and our bestsellers.


Throughout these years, we have available it in different colors and materials. Sometimes in a thin herringbone, this one is a dense chevron. It is a weave and pattern more suited to the winter season. The development of this fabric was carried out exclusively for our house.

So as the cold has well and truly arrived, what could be better than wearing a vest that is warm, elegant and original ? It's a more comfortable and contemporary piece than an ordinary sweater and it's just as warm !

This lightly brushed Shetland wool herringbone model was made using several shades of color. Here we present the orange and grey versions. It also exists in red and khaki, we will discuss them in a future newsletter.

This Marius model is a basic in our house. It has a lapel collar, a chest pocket, two flap pockets on the sides, two interior pockets and a martingale at the back which allows it to be tightened at the waist.

Like all of our collections, it is a vest that is cut and sewn by hand, in our own workshop. This gives it an ideal cut and impeccable finishes.

A winter season with an herringbone ... grey or orange?

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