Jean opens the doors of his dressing room

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Our lively client & Parisian Dandy

Jean is an authentic and passionate young man of 26 years old. He has had an atypical career path and has worked in the catering field since his beginnings in working life. Dedicated and passionate, he currently manages one of the most chic and romantic restaurants in Paris.

He grew up in the South West, this place where we live life to the fullest, where we love good and beautiful things and where we smile brightly. Jean alone embodies all these values. Today, he lives in Paris but carries and represents the region where he grew up.

He discovered our brand several months ago and it was through his visits to the store that we got to know him and talk. He naturally fell under the spell of ( L'EGOÏSTE ) because we share the same codes.

He is a bird of the night who does not go unnoticed, firstly for his beautiful face but also for his style and his infectious joy.

Because we like to talk with our customers and find out how they approach and live with our clothes, we asked our photographer to follow him during several Parisian evenings. In this way, he was able to capture the moment and the way in which Jean uses and appropriates our clothes on a daily basis.

He kindly opened the doors of his dressing room to us...

He likes to wear white Kyoto jeans for their loose and comfortable cut, and the blue Perfect vest for his “chic-casual” style. What he loves most are our overshirts and blazers. For example, he opted for the brown suede overshirt (perfect for his restless nights), but also the gray wool blazer, more formal for a business meeting for example.

When he wants to add an original touch to his look, he puts on his orange velvet jacket. As for shirts, he prefers them in denim for their casual-chic side. And of course, he told us that he never forgets to wear an accessory to give a finishing touch to his outfit, it could be a tie, a bandana or a pocket square.

What he likes is to be both elegant and casual in an outfit that is always comfortable, and that's what he found in our collections.

“A grain of cheerfulness seasons everything.”

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